Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of CP.sk

1. Common provisions

1.1. The company CHAPS Ltd. with headquarters at Bráfova 1617/21, Brno, 616 00, Czech Republic, ID: 47547022, registered in the Business Register mantained by the Regional Court in Brno, Section C, file 17631 (hereinafter referred to as Contractor), is entitled to exercise property rights to the CP timetable website and the CP timetable application (hereinafter only CP.sk).

1.2. The Contractor issues these CP.sk Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as ZPCP), which govern the rights and obligations of the User and Trader when mediating the sale of a travel document (e-ticket) via CP.sk to bus or train connections. The effective wording of the ZPCP is published at: https://resources.crws.cz/content/

1.3. Trader is a company ČSAD SVT Praha Ltd. with headquarters at Křižíkova 4-6, Prague 8, registered in the Business Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague under file number C 11856, ID: 45805202. The Trader mediates the purchase of tickets on CP.sk based on contractual relationships with individual transport companies (hereinafter referred to as Carriers).

1.4. User means an entity that accesses CP.sk pages or applications, uses these pages or uses CP.sk applications.

1.5. Before using CP.sk, every User is obliged to familiarize himself carefully with ZPCP. By using CP.sk, the User agrees to the published ZPCP.

1.6. Client is a natural or legal person using the CP.sk website or application to purchase travel documents. By placing an order for the purchase of a ticket, the Client agrees that the rights and obligations of the Client and the Trader shall be governed by these ZPCP effective on the relevant date of the order.

1.7. Registration is the communication of selected personal data of the Client. The reason for registration is the requirements for the provision of certain applications and services of CP.sk or the targeted intention of the Contractor to enable access to certain parts or services of CP.sk only to registered Users.

1.8. Legal relations between the Trader and the User/Client are governed by the law of the Czech Republic. All possible disputes between the Trader and the User/Client will be resolved by the general courts of the Czech Republic.

1.9. Carrier is a legal or natural person providing transportation of people.

1.10. A Passenger is a person who actually used an e-ticket for their transportation, it does not have to be the same person as the Client who purchased the travel documents. A Passenger in whose name an e-ticket is issued for one or more Passengers is referred to as Holder. Only this e-ticket Passenger is required to prove his/her name with an ID card at check-in.

1.11. For the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes arising from the purchase contract is responsible the Slovak Trade Inspection Authority, with headquarters at Bajkalská 21/A, 827 99 Bratislava 27, ID: 17331927, internet address: https://www.soi.sk/.

1.12. The Contractor reserves the right to change these ZPCP without prior notice and with immediate effect. It is the duty of the User and the Client to follow the current wording of these conditions.

1.13. The purchase of SMS tickets for urban public transport through CP.sk does not constitute any responsibility of the Contractor or the Trader for the error-free delivery of the SMS ticket or for the performance of the SMS ticket service. These services are provided by individual local carriers in cooperation with mobile operators.

2. Using CP.sk

2.1. Without the consent of the Contractor, it is not allowed to use CP.sk other than for your own use (both as a whole and individual parts). Other use is subject to prior approval by the Contractor.

2.2. It is forbidden to interfere in any way with the technical principle or content of CP.sk without the consent of the Contractor or to use the data of the searched information for other applications.

2.3. The contractor is not responsible for any impacts, consequences and damages resulting from the use of the CP.sk application caused by any technical defect (whether on the side of the application or a third party), insufficient connectivity, failures on the payment gateways side, etc.

2.4. The contractor is not responsible for any impacts, consequences and damages resulting from the use of informations obtained from CP.sk caused, for example, by the out-of-date or incompleteness of published informations or non-compliance with timetables by individual carriers.

2.5. The Contractor is not responsible for the content of CP.sk, if it was placed on CP.sk by a third party without the Contractor's knowledge in violation of these terms and conditions or in violation of legal regulations.

2.6. The Contractor is not responsible for the content, availability and security of third-party websites referenced from CP.sk, nor for any obligations and relationships arising between the User and third parties.

2.7. The User has no legal right to access the applications and services. The Contractor reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend selected CP.sk applications and services or the availability of CP.sk as a whole without compensation and without prior notice.

2.8. The User is obliged to act in such a way that no damage occurs to the Contractor, Trader or third parties.

2.9. The User is prohibited from using CP.sk and its other applications to collect information for their further processing and sharing.

2.10. The User undertakes to provide only true and up-to-date information about his identity during Registeration.

2.11. The costs incurred by the User when using means of communication in connection with the use of CP.sk are covered by the User himself.

3. Registration of Client data

3.1. The provision of some CP.sk applications and services or the availability of some parts of CP.sk may be bound and conditioned by the Client's registration through CP.sk. The Client is notified of the necessity of Registration in the relevant section of CP.sk or in the relevant application or service of CP.sk.

3.2. Provision of personal data for Registration by the Client is voluntary and is a condition for Registration and the possibility of using CP.sk applications and services, which are conditioned by this Registration.

3.3. Registration is free. These following informations are required during registration:

  • E-mail (serves as login)
  • Password
  • First name
  • Last name

3.4. To confirm the Registration, must be filled in all the mandatory information. By creating a Registration, the Client agrees to these ZPCP.

3.5. Registration is valid for 24 months from the date of Registration. This period is always extended by another 24 months after purchasing a ticket or after logging in to the CP.sk services using the data from the Registration.

3.6. The Contractor is entitled to terminate the Client's Registration in the case that the use of CP.sk by the User is in violation of these ZPCP or generally binding legal regulations. Furthermore, the Contractor is entitled to terminate the Client's Registration after the expiration of the Registration period. The Contractor is not obliged to inform the Client about the termination of the Registration for the above reasons.

3.7. The client has the right to request deletion or correction of personal data (change or cancellation of Registration).

3.8. Registration on CP.sk can be replaced by logging in with an account from the social network Facebook or a Google account. In such a case, CP.sk does not collect any personal data of the Client, but takes it from these services.

4. Processing of personal data

4.1. The Personal Data are processed by the Contractor as the Administrator only on the basis of and to the extent permitted by the General Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council No. 2016/679 (GDPR), on the protection of personal data and related regulations, that is Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data.

4.2. The Contractor declares that all personal data are considered confidential, will be used only for internal purposes, will not be published, provided to a third party or otherwise misused, except for provision to public authorities if they require it by legal regulations.

4.3. Informations about the Client and his ticket purchases are stored in a secure database and they are not provided to third parties.

4.4. The purpose of processing the personal data of Clients who have completed Registration or even without Registration is exclusively the provision and delivery of selected CP.sk applications and services, the sending of ordered tickets and the protection of CP.sk.

4.5. The Contractor is entitled to use anonymized data without connection to a specific Client, e.g. for statistical purposes.

4.6. In matters related to the processing of personal data, the Client can contact customer support using the web form https://helpdesk.amsbus.cz/cp/?lang=en or directly by e-mail to gdpr@cp.svt.cz. The client has the right to information about the processing of personal data, to the provision of copies of personal data and details of the processing. The client has the right to correction, erasure, restriction of processing (change or cancellation of Registration), can raise an objection, file a complaint with the supervisory authority.

5. Purchase of e-ticket and check-in

5.1. When purchasing an e-ticket before going to the payment gateway, consent to the current wording of the ZPCP is always required, which also expresses consent to the processing of the Client's personal data in accordance with Chapter 4 of this document.

5.2. During the purchase, the Client enters the required number of e-tickets and informations about the Passengers. If the Carrier requests the Passenger's name, or other required data, they must be entered. In case of purchase without Registration, it is also necessary to enter the correct e-mail address to which the e-ticket will be delivered.

5.3. To pay for the e-ticket, the Client is redirected to the payment gateway according to the payment method chosen by him. Neither the Trader nor the Contractor will in any way come into contact with the sensitive data of the Client's internet banking (login data) or the Client's payment card, in particular the payment card number, the name of the holder and the period of validity of the card. Card payment is secured by the 3D Secure system.

5.4. After successful payment, the Trader will issue an e-ticket in electronic form.

5.5. The e-ticket file in PDF format will be sent by the Trader to the Client by e-mail to the address the Client provided during the purchase or during registration. The Client can view, print or save this file as needed.

5.6. When boarding a bus or when checking travel documents on a train, the passenger presents the e-ticket shown on the display of the electronic device and, where applicable, a document confirming entitlement to a discount. Only in cases where it is explicitly stated on the e-ticket or it is an e-ticket for a domestic ČD route, is it is also permissible to check in a passenger only with knowledge of the e-ticket check-in code and possibly a document confirming entitlement to a discount.

5.7. If the Carrier requires the printing of an e-ticket, the Client is informed of this fact during the purchase and in an e-mail containing the e-ticket.

5.8. Check-in with a printed e-ticket in unchanged size on A4 paper is always permitted, except the type of tickets issued for Integrated transport systems.

6. Passenger Data

6.1. On some connections, the Carriers require the inclusion of Passenger data on the e-ticket (e.g. surname and first name). In this case, these data are required when purchasing an e-ticket, displayed on e-tickets and such e-tickets are non-transferable.

6.2. When choosing a connection, the client is informed about the tariff used according to the entered information. The Passengers must prove the right to a discount when boarding the bus or when checking travel documents on the train, otherwise they loses the right to transport without compensation.

7. Responsibilities of the Trader

7.1. The Trader declares that the personal data required for the purchase of an e-ticket are considered confidential. Details on the processing of personal data are provided in chapter 4 of this document.

7.2. The Trader is not responsible for the Carrier. The actual course of transport is governed by the relevant transport regulations and the Carrier's contractual transport conditions, unless otherwise stipulated in these ZPCP.

7.3. In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2021/782 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2021 on the rights and obligations of passengers in rail transport, the Trader warns Passengers that the e-tickets issued by them do not offer the same level of protection as direct transport documents and the railway carrier operating the given route did not issue these transport documents as direct transport documents. For railway carriers, only the current conditions published on their websites apply - see paragraph 10 of these Conditions.

7.4. The Trader is not responsible for any damages caused by the Client not accepting the e-ticket.

8. Responsibilities of the Client

8.1. When purchasing an e-ticket, the Client is obliged to check all data, especially the date and time of departure, the selected connection, the used tariff corresponding to the Passenger's claims for a discount, the Passenger's name, the price, or e-mail address for delivery. The Trader is not responsible for any damage caused as a result of incorrect data provided by the Client. The client acknowledges that specific requirements or discounts applied later cannot be taken into account when providing the service.

9. Returning an e-ticket

9.1. The conditions for returning an e-ticket are set by the Carrier and are already stated before the purchase of the e-ticket. The e-ticket is printed with the relevant deduction/time until departure according to the timetable, by which time the e-ticket can be returned. The exception is the carrier České dráhy, where the return conditions are listed on the carriers website.

9.2. The e-ticket can be returned with the corresponding deduction and within the time limit until the departure of the connection in one of the following ways:

  • by clicking on the relevant link/button in the application in which the e-ticket was purchased (in the CP Timetables mobile application in the ticket detail, on the CP.sk website on the Tickets page),
  • by filling in the CP.sk code in the form "Return of purchased tickets" on the Tickets page on the CP.sk website (cp.sk/en/jizdenky).

For the successful return of an e-ticket purchased with a logged-in Client account, logging in with the same Client account that was used to purchase it is a necessary condition.

9.3. If an e-ticket was purchased via the CP Timetables mobile application without Client registration, then the e-ticket is stored only in the memory of the device used to purchase the e-ticket and will not be displayed via the CP.sk website (however, its return using the CP.sk Code will be possible on the CP.sk website). If the application memory is cleared or the application is reinstalled on this device, the e-ticket will no longer be available in the application.

9.4. If an e-ticket was purchased via the CP.sk website without Client registration, then the e-ticket is stored only in the memory of the Internet browser on the computer that was used to purchase the e-ticket and will not be displayed in the CP Timetables mobile application. If the memory is deleted or the internet browser or the entire system is reinstalled, the e-ticket will no longer be available on the CP.sk website.

9.5. If the Client no longer has the CP.sk Code available, it will no longer be possible to return the e-ticket. The CP.sk code was included in the e-mail containing the e-ticket or directly on the e-ticket sent to the e-mail address specified when purchasing the e -tickets or was displayed on e-tickets displayed through one of the CP.sk applications.

9.6. The ticket of the carrier České dráhy, a.s. can be returned within CP.sk exclusively as a entire combined document. That is, the trip there and back always together, taking into account the departure time of the trip there. On the ČD website (https://www.cd.cz/eshop/vraceni-a-vymena/) you can apply all the rights from the transport contract according to the carriers complete options. You need to know the check-in code and the e-mail address used when purchasing the ticket.

9.7. The refunded amount will be transferred to the Client's account through the payment gateway used by him, from which he made the payment. The refund instruction is usually entered within three working days after the e-ticket is returned by the Client. The client is informed about this via e-mail, which is sent to the address used to purchase the e-ticket.

10. Complaint of an e-ticket

10.1. The Carrier is responsible for the course of transportation. The passenger is not entitled to payment of any damages caused by the delay or cancellation of the connection against the Trader or the Contractor.

10.2. If the Passenger did not use the e-ticket for less than 250 km because the relevant connection was canceled or the departure was delayed by more than 30 minutes, the fare will be refunded. Long-distance transport is governed by regulation EP No. 181/2011. This provision only applies to bus e-tickets, unless the Carrier has different conditions set specified in this document.

10.3. For tickets of the carrier České dráhy, a.s., are exclusively applicable only the current conditions published on its website https://www.cd.cz/en/default.htm. It is necessary to fill the claim form at: https://www.cd.cz/en/kontaktni-formular/ . All decisive information about the claim (e.g.: confirmation about the delay/cancellation of the train issued by the train staff, tickets itself, etc.) should be attached.

10.4. For tickets of the carrier group Leo Express, are exclusively applicable only the current conditions published on its website https://www.leoexpress.com/en/about-us/transport-terms-and-conditions. For claims fill the form of the carrier at: https://www.leoexpress.com/en/contact/refund/compensation-for-delay, attach all additional decisive information about the claim.

10.5. For tickets of the carrier group RegioJet, are exclusively applicable only the current conditions published on its website https://regiojet.com/. To apply a claim is possible to use 3 different ways:

10.6. For tickets of the carriers of group Arriva, are exclusively applicable only the current conditions published on its website https://www.arriva.cz/. Applying a claim is possible only by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address info@arriva.cz.

10.7. For tickets of the carriers of group Flixbus, are exclusively applicable only the current conditions published on its website https://www.flixbus.com/. To communicate (or to apply a claim) with the carrier, please use its form at https://help.flixbus.com/s/contact-us?language=en.

10.8. For tickets of the carrier SLOVAK LINES EXPRESS, are exclusively applicable only the current conditions published on the website https://www.slovaklines.sk/en/. To contact the customer center, and to apply a claim use the e-mail address: info@slovaklines.sk.

10.9. For tickets of the carrier CK DAKA, are exclusively applicable only the current conditions published on the website https://bus.daka.sk/. To contact the customer center, and to apply a claim use the e-mail address: linky@ckdaka.sk.

10.10. For tickets of the carrier LeviTour, are exclusively applicable only the current conditions published on the website https://www.levitour.sk/. To contact the customer center, and to apply a claim use the e-mail address: info@levitour.sk.

10.11. For tickets of the carrier Gepard Express, are exclusively applicable only the current conditions published on the website http://files.bileto.com/ge-terms.pdf. To contact the customer center, and to apply a claim use the e-mail address: info@gepard.com.

10.12. Claims about the tickets of IDS Doprava Ústeckého kraje are appliable only by e-mail to e-mail address: dukapka@ds-uk.cz. It is necessary to attach to the e-mail also the PDF of the ticket, which is the subject of the claim.

10.13. Claims of tickets of any other carrier (not listed above) has to be filled in the form listed at: http://helpdesk.amsbus.cz/cp/?lang=en. The Trader undertakes to confirm all complaints received in this way within two working days. If the Client does not receive confirmation within this period, the claim request must be considered undelivered and the claim must be repeated. The Trader will verify the claim with the relevant carrier, and if its validity is confirmed, it will refund the fare to the Client via the payment gateway used by him to the account from which the payment was made. The Client will be notified of the outcome of the complaint procedure.

This document becomes valid and effective on July 16, 2024.